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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
peyote cactus
Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay

Murder, drought and peyote: the deadly struggle for Mexico’s water

How the twin menaces of mining and agribusiness threaten a sacred way of life.

violence against indigenous  land defenders

Safety of Peru’s land defenders in question after killing of Indigenous leader in the Amazon

Quinto Inuma was killed on November 29 while traveling to the Santa Rosillo de Yanayacu community in Peru’s Amazon following a meeting of environmental defenders.

Brazil Indigenous land conflicts
Sam valadi/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Brazilian police probe deadly shooting on Indigenous land

Brazil’s federal police said Sunday they are investigating a shooting that killed one and wounded two Yanomami Indigenous people, saying the main suspects were illegal gold miners working in that area of Roraima state.

Ecuador Indigenous violence oil industry
TonyaHennessey/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Indigenous leader assassinated amid conflict over oil that divided community

In February, Eduardo Mendúa, an Indigenous leader representing opposition to oil operations in his community, was killed by hitmen after suffering from 12 gunshot wounds.

Journalists discuss the challenges & dangers of Amazonia
Fora do Eixo/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Rainforest reporting: Journalists discuss the challenges & dangers of Amazonia

We speak with journalists who have known and reported on Amazonia for years, and who also know the violence in the region like the back of their hands.

violent crime in the Amazon
Amazônia Real/Flickr

Brazil police: Businessman ordered killings of men in Amazon

Brazilian police said Monday they planned to indict a Colombian fish trader as the mastermind of last year's slayings of Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips.

Violence in Brazil’s Amazon
Palácio do Planalto/Flickr

Violence in Brazil’s Amazon are also crimes against humanity, lawyers tell international court

Three organizations, including Greenpeace Brazil, filed a case with the International Criminal Court (ICC) pressing for the investigation into a network of politicians, law enforcement and business executives they suspect are responsible for systematic attacks against land defenders.