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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
india bangladesh heat wave climate
Big Stock Photo

Heat wave in Asia made 30 times more likely because of climate change, scientists say

A searing heat wave in parts of southern Asia in April this year was made at least 30 times more likely by climate change, according to a rapid study by international scientists released Wednesday.

Mumbai’s ‘green lung’ runs into city metro project

Mumbai’s ‘green lung’ runs into city metro project

Protesters are battling a transit plan that will cut thousands of trees and displace hundreds of residents from the Indian megacity’s only woodland.  
sinking cities climate

Coastal cities are sinking faster than sea-level rise

Some of the world’s major cities are sinking even faster than the sea levels around them are rising.

southeast asia pollution and population

Tropics are seeing a rise in population, and pollution

Rapid industrialization and population growth are contributing to thousands of premature pollution deaths, especially in Southeast Asia.
energy mumbai net zero

Mumbai net zero: What the pledge means for city-dwellers threatened by impending sea level rise

As Mumbai prepares a climate action plan looking forward to 2050, worsening heatwaves and a deadly monsoon season are already threatening the city’s most vulnerable population.

net zero plan mumbai india
Photo by Yash Bhardwaj on Unsplash

The first South Asian city with a net-zero plan

Mumbai has become South Asia’s first city with a roadmap to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 — 20 years ahead of India’s national decarbonization goal.
climate travel lifestyle
Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

‘We must travel better’

As more forests burn, as more glaciers melt, as more pollution damages the air, as more wildlife slips away, as the world heats up, we stand to lose many of the things that don't just make us want to travel, but simply the joys of being alive.