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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
In rare show of solidarity, 14 key nations commit to protect oceans

In rare show of solidarity, 14 key nations commit to protect oceans

The world’s most far-reaching pact to protect and sustain ocean health offers hope that our seas’ dire problems might be solved.
Groups push to protect Antarctic seas

‘No other choice’: Groups push to protect vast swaths of Antarctic seas

A coalition of conservation groups is advocating for the establishment of three new marine protected areas (MPAs) in East Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea.

Antarctic Commission pursues largest ever-conservation action

Antarctic Commission pursues largest conservation action ever taken

Only 5% of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean is protected. A new proposal could quadruple these protections, but only if China and Russia get on board.
Inside the ambitious push to protect a third of the world’s ocean

Inside the ambitious push to protect a third of the world’s ocean

Preserving our pristine seas will boost biodiversity, replenish fishing stocks, and store carbon.
Trump administration eliminates protections for vast ocean monument — experts react

Trump administration eliminates protections for vast ocean monument — experts react

Here’s why the action is so harmful, how it’s possibly illegal, and why it won’t help struggling fishing communities.
An ecologist organizes the world

An ecologist organizes the world

Jane Lubchenco helped change the field of ecology by making the science useful to society.