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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
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Montana Youth Climate lawsuit
Credit: Douglas Fischer

Montana’s Supreme Court debates climate law's constitutionality

A landmark climate lawsuit in Montana questions whether a state law supporting fossil fuel development infringes on constitutional rights to a healthy environment.

Nicholas Kusnetz and Najifa Farhat report for Inside Climate News.

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Montana may include climate impact analysis in energy project evaluations

Montana may include climate impact analysis in energy project evaluations

Montana's Department of Environmental Quality is considering integrating climate impact assessments into energy project evaluations to protect residents' right to a clean environment.

Blair Miller reports for the Daily Montanan.

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Montana's youth take a stand for environmental rights

Montana's youth take a stand for environmental rights

In a significant legal battle over Montana's environmental policy, young plaintiffs push back against the state's Supreme Court appeal, defending their right to a cleaner future.

Blair Miller reports for Daily Montanan.

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home plans

Montana judge halts development over water concerns

In a landmark decision, a Montana judge has blocked a new housing development, citing inadequate groundwater protection.

Christopher Flavelle reports for The New York Times.

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epa building
W. Scott McGill/Big Stock Photo

Exclusive: Law firm behind Juliana kids climate case takes on EPA

Fresh off a historic legal victory in Montana, attorneys for young climate activists are filing their second-ever lawsuit against the federal government.
montana fields and mountains

Report details climate change threats to Montana's outdoor economy

A report commissioned by the advocacy group Montana Wildlife Federation looks at how climate change could lead to loss of jobs and labor earnings for outdoor industries like hunting, fishing, tourism and recreation.

missoula montana
Big Stock Photo

Report: Outdoor economy to suffer as climate change worsens

The effects of climate change are already affecting Montana’s outdoor recreation, but with predictions of even more heat and drought by 2050, the outdoor recreation industry stands to lose thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions in earnings, according to a new report.