mono lake

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mono lake

Mono Lake: Will state stop diverting its water to L.A.?

Environmentalists say it's past time for California to halt Los Angeles' diversion of Mono Lake's tributaries. L.A. says it needs the water.
mono lake water drought climate

L.A.’s new water war: Keeping supply from Mono Lake flowing as critics want it cut off

With its haunting rock spires and salt-crusted shores, Mono Lake is a Hollywood vision of the apocalypse. To the city of Los Angeles, however, this Eastern Sierra basin represents the very source of L.A.'s prosperity — the right to free water.

Mono Lake was supposed to have been saved from going dry. Now, the ‘white stuff’ forces a reckoning

Mono Lake was supposed to have been saved from going dry. Now, the ‘white stuff’ forces a reckoning

One of North America’s oldest lakes and an emblem of California’s wild beauty faces a...
A changing climate at Mono Lake could mean more dust storms in the Eastern Sierra - or less water for L.A.

A changing climate at Mono Lake could mean more dust storms in the Eastern Sierra - or less water for L.A.

Climate change is bringing less snow to the Sierra Nevada mountains - and less snowmelt to Mono Lake.