mike pence

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Trump stands at a podium with a clenched fist and an american flag in background.
Forest fire fighter standing in silhouette in front of a stand of trees.
Huge wave breaking against the side of a ship.
Sign in the desert that says Caution! Extreme Heat Danger.
kamala harris mike pence climate politics

Pence on climate, Harris on taxes, in debate

Although more buttoned-up on the stage than his boss, Vice President Mike Pence nevertheless echoed many of President Donald Trump's falsehoods in the one and only debate with Democratic rival Kamala Harris.

Pa.’s fracking jobs enter debate fray

Pa.’s fracking jobs enter debate fray

Mike Pence continued his ticket's warning that a Biden administration would immediately ban fracking and Kamala Harris insisted that her running mate has been "very clear" that he won't.

Pence said Trump listens to scientists. That's a joke, right?

Pence said Trump listens to scientists. That's a joke, right?

The vice president prevaricated on climate, as usual.
At western Pa. gas drilling site, Pence talks jobs, repeats falsehoods on Biden’s fracking position

At western Pa. gas drilling site, Pence talks jobs, repeats falsehoods on Biden’s fracking position

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden says he would oppose only new drilling on federal land. The Vice President touted the administration’s commitment to ‘American energy.’
Green groups press for climate focus at presidential debates

Green groups press for climate focus at presidential debates

The effort is calling on debate moderators to press President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden to lay out their plans to fight climate change.
mike pence climate politics koch

A climate change skeptic, Mike Pence brought to the vice presidency deep ties to the Koch brothers

Vice President Mike Pence's fight to block climate action began long before he became President Donald Trump's stalwart second-in-command.

Coronavirus is what you get when you ignore science

Coronavirus is what you get when you ignore science

Scientists are all we have left. Pray for them.