migratory bird treaty act

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Trump Administration pushes last-minute actions that could hurt wildlife and the environment

Trump Administration pushes last-minute actions that could hurt wildlife and the environment

Overshadowed by the turmoil of the presidential transition, the Trump administration's actions may harm animals and the environment.
Interior finalized key step in effort to weaken Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Interior finalized key step in effort to weaken Migratory Bird Treaty Act

The Trump administration published an environmental analysis Friday finding that its proposal not to hold companies responsible for killing birds “incidentally" would not cause undue harm.

What Interior Department's victories and defeats mean for the oil industry

What Interior Department's victories and defeats mean for the oil industry

Interior's rule to weakened bird protections that favored the oil industry was thrown out by a judge. But the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will open for drilling.
Louisiana brown pelicans nesting site restored after BP oil spill

Louisiana brown pelicans nesting site restored after BP oil spill

Louisiana has lost more than half its brown pelican colonies in the past decade. Using fines from the spill, an important island habitat gets a makeover.
Accidental bird deaths no longer prosecuted under Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Accidental bird deaths no longer prosecuted under Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Changes to the implementation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act take away the threat of penalties, at a time when bird numbers are plummeting.

The Trump administration has officially clipped the wings of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

The Trump administration has officially clipped the wings of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

A 100-year-old law to protect birds can no longer be used to hold companies accountable for most bird deaths.