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Rising natural disasters overwhelm emergency responders
Floods once again devastate Pakistan, two years after 2022 disaster
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
rusty oil storage tank
Big Stock Photo

Midland's water security at stake amid wastewater disposal debate

In a bold move, Midland, Texas, is challenging the approval of oil and gas industry wastewater disposal wells near its vital water source.

Vernon Loeb reports for Inside Climate News.

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Chevron is publishing local news and propaganda in Texas

Chevron is publishing local news and propaganda in Texas

Chevron-sponsored Permian Proud is providing community news (and corporate propaganda) in one of Texas' most news-starved regions.
climate impacts rainfall water dams michigan midland

Michigan dam break shows how climate change strains infrastructure

Heavy rainfall events are increasing in the north central and northeastern U.S. Many dams, homes, and streets across the country aren't ready.
infrastructure dams michigan midland

Michigan’s dam problem isn’t just in Midland - and it’s part of a larger infrastructure crisis

Across the county, dams are increasingly becoming a relic of America's infrastructural past.

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

After a decade of U.S. oil and gas companies spending beyond their means, a debate is underway in the energy and investment sectors on whether to keep pumping money into oil fields to keep the boom going full-speed. Or with interest rates rising and investors demanding better returns, are fracking firms going to have to live within their cash flows?
Sand, water, and horsepower: Welcome to the year of the fracker

Sand, water, and horsepower: Welcome to the year of the fracker

Oil companies are on track to produce a record 10 million barrels of American crude a day, a milestone that could be reached as soon as February largely due to another record that is expected to fall in coming months.