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Trump stands at a podium with a clenched fist and an american flag in background.
Forest fire fighter standing in silhouette in front of a stand of trees.
Huge wave breaking against the side of a ship.
Sign in the desert that says Caution! Extreme Heat Danger.
mass-produced clothing pollutes air & water
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Mass-produced clothing causes serious air, water pollution worldwide

The cheap and trendy clothing known as fast fashion also contributes to global warming.

Harmful bacteria found in common ocean plastics

Harmful bacteria found in common ocean plastics

A study concentrated on the northwestern Mediterranean Sea found harmful bacteria on plastic microfibers, a common ocean pollutant.
From mountaintops to ocean bottoms, scientists are discovering just how pervasive plastic is

From mountaintops to ocean bottoms, scientists are discovering just how pervasive plastic is

International attention has homed in on the problem of plastic pollution, which is only growing worse as plastic doesn’t decompose but degrades into smaller pieces that will remain in the environment for thousands of years. Where is this stuff coming from?

How washing your clothes with cold water could help save carbon emissions and ocean pollution

How washing your clothes with cold water could help save carbon emissions and ocean pollution

On the last regular episode of this climate-theme season of ‘World Changing Ideas’—here’s something you can easily do at home to help save the environment.
Slowing down fast fashion for Fashion Revolution Week

Slowing down fast fashion for Fashion Revolution Week

Fast fashion has also been criticized for its “throw-away” culture, as new styles so quickly supplant older garments. The man-made fabrics used also shed microfibers, a form of microplastics that pollute waterways, drinking water and affect aquatic life.
250,000 reasons to do laundry less often

250,000 reasons to do laundry less often

Fashion Revolution Week, April 19-25, looks to promote local fashion, sustainable alternatives to microfiber-laden "Fast Fashion."
Your car is spewing microplastics

Your car is spewing microplastics that blow around the world

When you drive, tiny bits of plastic fly off your tires and brakes. And all that road muck is blowing into “pristine" environments like the Arctic.