methane rule

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Conventional oil and gas industry sues to be excluded from Pennsylvania methane rule

Three trade groups for Pennsylvania's conventional oil and gas industry are suing state environmental regulators to block a forthcoming rule for controlling methane and other air pollution from applying to their well sites.

'It's grotesque': Inside the Hill methane fight

'It's grotesque': Inside the Hill methane fight

Progressives set out to write a reconciliation bill that would scrap special tax treatment for fossil fuel companies. Instead, they might hand the oil and gas industry a new subsidy.

Group caps abandoned wells to cut methane emissions

Group caps abandoned wells to cut methane emissions

Across the United States, abandoned wells are belching the powerful greenhouse gas. This group aims to plug them to fight global warming.
If Trump cares about Hurricane Florence, his policies don’t show it

If Trump cares about Hurricane Florence, his policies don’t show it

When it comes to extreme weather, the president is complicit.
Green groups sue Trump administration over delay of methane rule

Green groups sue Trump administration over delay of methane rule

A coalition of nearly 20 environmental and Native American tribal groups sued the Trump administration on Tuesday, challenging its delay of a rule limiting emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas drilling operations on federal lands.