methane emissions

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Methane emissions from warming ecosystems pose a major climate threat

Methane emissions from warming ecosystems pose a major climate threat

Methane released from thawing permafrost and tropical wetlands is accelerating climate breakdown, making the reduction of human-caused emissions crucial.

Rob Jackson reports for The Guardian.

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CAFO industrial farming regulations
Credit: Friends of Family Farmers/Flickr

A Michigan court ruling may reshape how animal waste is regulated

A recent Michigan Supreme Court decision could drastically change how the state — and possibly others — regulates pollution from industrial animal farms.

Keith Schneider reports for Circle of Blue and The New Lede.

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food rescue apps
Credit: Focal Foto/Flickr

How to save money and fight food waste

A new generation of apps is rescuing perfectly good food from landfills, making it available at a fraction of the retail price at restaurants and grocery stores.

Michael J. Coren reports for The Washington Post.

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greenhouse gas emissions reductions
Credit: Simon & Schuster/

Restoring our atmosphere is a new frontier in climate action

Rob Jackson's new book, Into the Clear Blue Sky, emphasizes the urgent need to not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also restore the atmosphere's health to pre-industrial levels through a concept he calls "atmospheric restoration."

Phil McKenna reports for Inside Climate News.

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Methane emissions surge, scientists urge immediate action

Methane emissions surge, scientists urge immediate action

Methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, are rising rapidly, posing a significant threat to the climate and requiring urgent mitigation efforts, scientists warn.

Oliver Milman reports for The Guardian.

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New Mexico emissions loophole enables significant methane releases
Credit: Talpa/Pixabay

New Mexico emissions loophole enables significant methane releases

New Mexico's emissions loophole has resulted in significant methane releases, challenging state climate goals.

Jerry Redfern reports for Capital & Main.

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public land oil & gas
Credit: WildEarth Guardians/Flickr

New Interior Department policy to increase costs for oil drilling on public land

A long-awaited Interior Department policy will raise financial assurance and royalty rates, aiming to ensure cleaner operations and better returns for the public.

Nick Bowlin reports for High Country News.

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