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A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
Wind turbines viewed from above with squres of green and fallow fields below.
california snowpack climate water drought

California's snowpack nears decade high. What's it mean to drought?

Last year, we started 2022 with a similar bounty — and then ended the snow season way, way, way below normal.
California drought: New water restrictions coming to 1.4 million East Bay residents

California drought: New water restrictions coming to 1.4 million East Bay residents

East Bay MUD moves forward with limits on lawn watering, drought surcharges, restaurant rules.
Jackie Garcia Mann biofuels opinion

Jackie Garcia Mann: East Bay refineries' biofuel plans are dangerous diversions

Once touted as a climate cure, biofuels have turned out to be worse than the disease.

Sierra Nevada diminishing snowpack drought

Sierra Nevada snowpack disappearing after driest January-February in recorded history, third year of California drought all but inevitable

Sierra snowpack down to 64% with no major storms on horizon as winter rainy season has only 1 month left.
california water board drought climate

Barbara Barrigan-Parilla: State water board choice is key to providing clean water for all

California's drought highlights the importance of an appointment sitting on Gov. Gavin Newsom's desk – filling the final seat on the State Water Resources Control Board. This is a critical agency appointment at a critical time.

toxic algae sea otters toxics

Toxic algae blooms killing sea otters in their prime: Study

Heart disease isn't just the leading cause of death for humans in the United States. It's also increasingly killing sea otters, especially adults in their prime — and now scientists know why.

Former Stanford president Donald Kennedy dies of COVID-19

Former Stanford president Donald Kennedy dies of COVID-19

Neurobiologist was appointed in 1980, served 12 years at helm