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Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
global warming india climate politics kerry
Photo by Ankit Gupta on Unsplash

U.S. climate envoy Kerry says India is "getting job done" on climate

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry praised India as a world leader in renewables as he began talks with government leaders aimed at cutting carbon emissions faster to slow global warming.
climate solutions emissions energy
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Countries must cut emissions this decade to avoid climate disaster later: Britain

Countries will have to start delivering on emissions-reduction targets during the 2020s, rather than later, to avoid devastation from climate change, the British president of the upcoming COP26 climate summit says.

green bonds italy economy climate

Italy to keep issuing green bonds, says economy minister

Economy Minister Daniele Franco said on Tuesday that Italy would continue to issue bonds to raise income for policies to fight climate change and to raise awareness about the importance of the issue.
david attenborough climate impacts

David Attenborough to U.N.: 'Climate change a threat to global security, I don't envy you'

British naturalist David Attenborough warned on Tuesday that climate change is the biggest security threat that modern humans have ever faced, telling the U.N. Security Council: "I don't envy you the responsibility that this places on all of you."
climate energy politics

EU readies reforms to energy treaty as climate criticisms mount

The European Commission is expected to propose reforms to an international energy treaty as early as Monday, EU officials said, after some governments have said the bloc should consider quitting the agreement because it could threaten climate goals.
european union climate foreign policy

EU climate change plans will ripple through foreign policy, researchers say

The European Union's goal to have zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will have "profound geopolitical repercussions," including sharply lower revenue to oil and gas exporting neighbors such as Russia, Algeria and Libya, the European University Institute and two influential think-tanks say.

joe biden china emissions energy
Photo by Thijs Stoop on Unsplash

Biden administration to unveil more climate policies, urges China to toughen emissions target

U.S. President Joe Biden's administration next week will release more policies it believes are needed to tackle climate change and is urging China to toughen one of its targets on greenhouse gas emissions, his top climate advisers have said.