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climate-driven malaria
Credit: budak/Flickr

CDC develops new test to identify climate-driven malaria-carrying mosquitoes

In a major stride against malaria, CDC researchers have created a rapid test to identify the Anopheles stephensi mosquito, a malaria carrier thriving due to climate change.

Victoria St. Martin reports for Inside Climate News.

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climate change spreads malaria
Credit: U.S. Pacific Fleet/Flickr

Climate change escalates malaria risk for pregnant women in highlands

Rising temperatures are pushing malaria-carrying mosquitoes to higher altitudes, posing a lethal threat to pregnant women in previously unaffected regions.

Zoya Teirstein reports for Grist, Vox and The 19th

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malaria mosquito
Image by 41330 from Pixabay

Climate change drives new cases of malaria, complicating efforts to fight the disease

The number of malaria cases rose again in 2022, propelled by flooding and warmer weather in areas once free of the illness.
Image by FRANCO PATRIZIA from Pixabay

Rising temps spark concerns over malaria's spread in Türkiye

Rising temperatures, fluctuations in precipitation patterns and extreme weather events are all affecting the life cycles and habitats of mosquitoes that carry malaria.

rural church
Photo by Rohan Reddy on Unsplash

Rising temperatures, extreme weather threaten to propel malaria spread

Cases of malaria threaten to increase dramatically from climate change as rising temperatures push mosquitoes to new areas and lengthen transmission seasons.
brown mosquito

The mosquitoes are winning

For decades, the world seemed to be winning the war against mosquitoes and tamping down the deadly diseases they carried. But in the past few years, progress has not only stalled, it has reversed.

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Malaria transmission in a warmer future

Malaria cases in Florida and Texas raise prospect of greater transmission in a warmer future

Seven people in the U.S. have contracted the disease from local mosquitoes—the nation’s first such cases in 20 years. As climate change plays out, researchers say, warmer and wetter weather could mean more mosquito-borne illnesses.