
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
Solar energy debate in Louisiana reveals misleading claims by lawmakers

Solar energy debate in Louisiana reveals misleading claims by lawmakers

A Louisiana legislative hearing on solar energy featured several misleading claims, including exaggerations about the impact of federal subsidies and the costs of renewable energy.

Wesley Muller reports for Louisiana Illuminator.

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​Louisiana's coastal parishes face financial challenges amid climate change​

​Louisiana's coastal parishes face financial challenges amid climate change​

The town of Jean Lafitte struggles with rising sea levels, inadequate storm protection and soaring insurance costs as residents fight to preserve their community.

Aidan McCahill reports for Louisiana Illuminator.

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Louisiana eases insurance cancellations, raising concerns
Credit: Tumisu/Pixabay

Louisiana eases insurance cancellations, raising concerns

A new Louisiana law allows insurers to cancel more homeowners’ policies, raising premiums and deductibles and potentially increasing financial strain for residents.

Terry L. Jones reports for Floodlight.

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Top Story
Gas facility in Louisiana builds massive sea wall to protect against climate threats

Gas facility in Louisiana builds massive sea wall to protect against climate threats

A Louisiana gas facility has constructed a massive sea wall to shield itself from the climate impacts that fossil fuel emissions have exacerbated, raising questions about the lengths the industry will go to safeguard its interests.

Steven Mufson reports for The Washington Post.

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Activists urge Louisiana to reject 2,400-acre plastics plant permits

Activists urge Louisiana to reject 2,400-acre plastics plant permits

Environmental advocates want Louisiana to block air permits for a planned 2,400-acre plastics facility due to new federal air quality standards and concerns over toxic pollution.

Terry L. Jones reports for Floodlight.

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Plan to build largest US LNG terminal approved by federal commission

Plan to build largest US LNG terminal approved by federal commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the construction of the largest liquefied natural gas terminal in the U.S., sparking local opposition and potential lawsuits.

Pam Radtke reports for Floodlight.

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Louisiana unveils plans for new carbon capture sites

Louisiana unveils plans for new carbon capture sites

Louisiana officials announced two new carbon capture projects in northwest Louisiana, expected to remove hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide annually and store it underground.

Sara Cline reports for The Associated Press.

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