light rail

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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
Ottawa LRT public inquiry paints complete system failure

Ottawa LRT public inquiry paints complete system failure

Testimonies and private messages show how competing motives and a lack of co-ordination derailed the $2.1 billion capital city transit project.

Why building roads and transit costs more in the U.S.

Why building roads and transit costs more in the U.S.

If history is a guide, President Joe Biden’s $1.3 trillion investment may not fund nearly as much transportation as it would in much of the rest of the world.
Connor Harris: What's wrong with Sunbelt transportation spending?

Connor Harris: What's wrong with Sunbelt transportation spending?

As growing cities like Dallas, Austin and Atlanta sprawl, they often invest in high-cost transit and highway projects that ignore their residents’ immediate needs. 
Are trains on track for a comeback in Mexico?

Are trains on track for a comeback in Mexico?

A rail boom is on the horizon, with dozens of new projects underway. But environmental, social, and economic pressures could complicate plans.
What did all those infrastructure weeks add up to?

What did all those infrastructure weeks add up to?

The “builder president” launched several “Infrastructure Weeks.” But when federal dollars never arrived, states and cities rallied to make progress where they could.
Marcus C. Mundy: Transportation is a social justice issue

Marcus C. Mundy: Transportation is a social justice issue

A proposed payroll tax on the Portland ballot invests in Black and Brown communities. But corporations like Nike that say they support racial equity oppose it. 
How big was 2019's scooter boom, and what's next?

How big was 2019's scooter boom, and what's next?

A new report from the National Association of City Transportation Officials shows big gains for e-scooters before the pandemic — and signs that the micromobility boom could go on.