land use

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
solar farms biodiversity habitat restoration
Credit: Michael Mees/Flickr

Solar farms provide more than clean energy by supporting pollinators

As solar farms expand, some developers are using the land beneath panels to nurture pollinator habitats, but the success of these efforts varies widely.

Catrin Einhorn reports for The New York Times.

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alaska environmental protections
Credit: Andy Morffew/Flickr

Biden administration safeguards millions of acres in Alaska from industrial harm

The Biden administration announced protections for 28 million acres in Alaska, blocking industrial activities to preserve Indigenous communities, wildlife and ecosystems.

Maxine Joselow reports for The Washington Post.

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india's water crisis
Credit: Water Alternatives Photos/Benjamin Noury/Flickr

India’s mega plan to connect its rivers raises big questions

India's ambitious project to link its rivers may provide solutions to water shortages but could also cause significant environmental and social disruptions.

Sushmita Pathak reports for Hakai Magazine.

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desertification & regenerative sustainable agriculture
Credit: ILRI/Flickr

Reviving ancient practices to combat desertification in Jordan

Communities in Jordan are successfully using the ancient practice of hima to combat overgrazing and desertification, revitalizing local ecosystems and traditions.

Diana Kruzman reports for bioGraphic.

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30x30 environment goal
Credit: James Marvin Phelps/Flickr

President Biden's conservation efforts face uncertainty as Trump eyes return

President Biden's ambitious plan to conserve 30% of US land and water by 2030 is making progress, but a potential Trump return threatens these gains.

Oliver Milman reports for The Guardian.

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Climate change impacts insurance availability in high-risk areas

Climate change impacts insurance availability in high-risk areas

Increasing natural disasters driven by climate change are making insurance unaffordable or unavailable for many homeowners, especially in states like California, Florida, and Louisiana.

Alex Brown reports for Stateline.

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gardens biodiversity climate resilience
Credit: Daniela/Flickr

Gardens can help combat climate and biodiversity crises

Gardens can play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss, but they are being replaced by plastic and paving, contributing to environmental degradation.

Kate Bradbury reports for The Guardian.

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