Causes This map shows all the land that's been conserved since 1964 The Land and Water Conservation Fund, established in 1964, has helped conserve land from segments of the Appalachian Trail to neighborhood parks.
Causes Trump swiftly blows up his one decent conservation action The administration is undercutting a major public lands law that the president used to greenwash his abysmal conservation record.
Politics Trump threatens Great American Outdoors Act With a key list of Land and Water Conservation Fund projects missing, political subterfuge threatens the bipartisan legislative achievement.
Solutions How Montana’s governor, angling for a Senate seat, made an unapproved Trump official a campaign issue Gov. Steve Bullock (D) won a lawsuit saying that the ultraconservative public lands official violated federal law.
Politics Want to win in Montana? It's the environment, stupid. Even in traditionally conservative states like Montana and Wyoming, no single issue unites centrist voters in 2020 more than public-lands protection.
Politics Wes Siler: The Republicans who really want to seem outdoorsy We can see right through your hunting selfies.
Causes Trump signs landmark Great American Outdoors Act The bipartisan Great American Outdoors Act guarantees funding for federal land use efforts. The president claimed credit for Republicans.