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Labour's plan to lead a green energy shift in Britain

Labour's plan to lead a green energy shift in Britain

Keir Starmer's new Labour government pledges to fast-track the green energy transition, aiming for zero-carbon electricity by 2030 despite significant challenges.

Somini Sengupta reports for The New York Times.

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UK: Labour's green investment plan faces major reduction

UK: Labour's green investment plan faces major reduction

Keir Starmer has announced a significant cutback in Labour's ambitious £28bn green investment program due to economic pressures.

Kiran Stacey and Fiona Harvey report for The Guardian.

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green technology energy climate andrew rawnsley

Andrew Rawnsley: In the global race to dominate green technology, Britain is still tying its shoelaces

As the US, China and now the EU compete for the fruits of the green economy, the UK is hamstrung by Tory dogma, dither and delay.

electric vehicles climate labor unions

How electric vehicles have helped labor and climate groups team up

As the Biden administration attempts to increase incentives for the production of electric vehicles, labor unions and climate groups have teamed up to push for better wages and working conditions for autoworkers.

boris johnson climate ipcc politics
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Boris Johnson accused of climate crisis complacency after IPCC report

Boris Johnson has been accused of climate crisis complacency after the publication of the warning from UN scientists that rising carbon emissions have already caused "irreversible" environmental change.

labour climate biden

Labour urges UK to redouble efforts to tackle climate crisis after Biden victory

Labour is urging the government to seize on Joe Biden's presidency to redouble Britain's efforts to tackle the climate crisis by bringing forward a multibillion pound "green recovery" plan in the run-up to next year's Cop26 summit in Glasgow.