PoliticsJanet McKnight/Flickr/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Is plastic-free plastic even possible? The term "plastic-free" isn't nearly as simple or self-explanatory as it sounds, and that making single-use packaging greener is a complex challenge for everyone involved.
Good NewsDidriks/Flickr/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Zero-waste activists share the little ways they reduce household trash Lessons in reducing your household trash, from zero-waste activists.
Newsletter commons.wikimedia.org How food labels can help tackle climate change Sticking a “high climate impact” label on a burger made 23 percent more people choose a red-meat-free option.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org Calories, carbs and climate. Should fast food have environmental labeling? Climate-related food labeling may be an effective tool to whittle down the beef industry's carbon footprint, new research argues.