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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
pacific islands jobs climate

Pacific islanders head to Australia for jobs as climate fears grow

Over the years, Claire Anterea has waved goodbye to numerous friends and family members as they left the Pacific island nation of Kiribati for jobs in regional powerhouse Australia. She had never considered joining them - until now.

climate migration kiribati refugee new zealand

Kiribati refugee claims climate change crisis prevents him from returning home

A refugee has failed in a bid to receive protected status in New Zealand on the basis his island home is becoming uninhabitable, despite a United Nations ruling saying it’s unlawful to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis.

banaba island climate impacts

Katerina Teaiwa: No more drinking water, little food. Our island is a field of bones

Banaba in the central Pacific is a microcosm of what has happened to this planet. It’s a place that cannot be brought back into balance without focused and collaborative care.

Once devastated, these Pacific reefs have seen an amazing rebirth

Once devastated, these Pacific reefs have seen an amazing rebirth

The most astonishing and heartening coral rebirth the world has ever seen came to light recently.

Opinion: As more climate migrants cross borders seeking refuge, laws will need to adapt

Opinion: As more climate migrants cross borders seeking refuge, laws will need to adapt

Climate migrants don’t fit neatly into the legal definitions of refugee or migrant, and that can leave them in limbo. The Biden administration is debating how to identify and help them.
climate politics migration

Joe Biden considers protections for climate change refugees after New Zealand case

No nation offers asylum or other legal protections to people displaced specifically because of climate change. President Joe Biden's administration is studying the idea, and climate migration is expected to be discussed at his first climate summit.