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clean energy transition
two men on a roof installing solar panels
US Congress building
nuclear plant near a lake
optimism to work toward a better world
Michael Brace/Flickr

Do you have to be an optimist to work toward a better world?

For professionals in fields such as suicide prevention and climate science, the future can seem bleak. But sometimes action is the most effective form of optimism.
At COP26, hyperbole and inertia

At COP26, hyperbole and inertia

Are the world’s leaders talking a big game on climate because they want to take action, or because they don’t?
Leaders warn of climate 'doomsday' as old rifts divide summit's first day

Leaders warn of climate 'doomsday' as old rifts divide summit's first day

The opening day of a climate summit was heavy on dire warnings and light on substantive proposals as leaders in Glasgow met to discuss a warming world.
Once a leading polluter, the UK is now trying to lead on climate change

Once a leading polluter, the UK is now trying to lead on climate change

On the eve of a global climate summit, Britain’s evolution from fossil fuels to clean energy is on display. But experts question whether its commitment is sufficient, and whether it can persuade other nations to meet meaningful goals.
paradise camp fire climate
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

Paradise was lost. She’s telling its stories

Climate change isn't this thing on the horizon that we'll face in 10 years — we are living with it now. Paradise is a stark example of what we stand to lose.

House passes bills to bolster scientific research

House passes bills to bolster scientific research

The legislation would invest in traditional research and development, clashing with a broad Senate measure that focuses on cutting-edge technology to compete with China.