joe biden

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Biden administration considers price support for US minerals to counter China

Biden administration considers price support for US minerals to counter China

The Biden administration is contemplating federal price supports for U.S. critical minerals projects to counter the impact of cheap Chinese imports that threaten domestic production.

James Bikales reports for POLITICO.

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Upper-income households capture most Biden energy tax credits

Upper-income households capture most Biden energy tax credits

A significant portion of tax credits aimed at promoting energy efficiency under Biden’s administration is disproportionately benefiting wealthier households, leaving lower-income families with minimal support.

Thomas Frank reports for Politico.

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Biden's funding helps modernize steel plant tied to JD Vance's family

Biden's funding helps modernize steel plant tied to JD Vance's family

The Biden administration's $500 million grant to upgrade a steel plant in JD Vance's hometown aims to reduce pollution but faces skepticism among locals.

Scott Waldman reports for POLITICO.

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Biden faces challenges in curbing US oil production

Biden faces challenges in curbing US oil production

Despite Joe Biden's campaign promises to end drilling on federal lands, the U.S. is now producing more oil than any country ever has, revealing the difficulty of halting oil production.

Maxine Joselow reports for The Washington Post.

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Wind companies invest $93M in mid-Atlantic despite looming Trump opposition

Wind companies invest $93M in mid-Atlantic despite looming Trump opposition

The offshore wind industry showed resilience by committing $93 million in bids for mid-Atlantic projects, undeterred by the potential return of Trump to the White House.

Kelsey Tamborrino reports for POLITICO.

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Biden proposes Supreme Court term limits and ethics code

Biden proposes Supreme Court term limits and ethics code

President Biden advocates for term limits and a binding ethics code for Supreme Court justices to address concerns about the court's conservative majority impacting environmental protections.

Lesley Clark reports for E&E News.

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Biden's heat protection rule leaves public sector workers at risk

Biden's heat protection rule leaves public sector workers at risk

A loophole in a 1972 law prevents about 7.9 million public-sector workers from receiving OSHA's proposed heat protections.

Ariel Wittenberg reports for E&E News.

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