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Black and white illustration of Donald Trump created using words.
Wildfire smoke and fire on a hill
Houseless man with bushy hair and beard looking into the camera.
Smoke from a wildfire in a village in Northern Spain
cop27 climate summit politics

COP27: Are climate summits a waste of time?

The 27th annual UN climate summit is taking place in November. Will it be worth all the time and effort?

Jomo Kwame Sundaram climate opinion

Jomo Kwame Sundaram: Climate inaction, injustice worsened by finance fiasco

Many factors frustrate the international cooperation needed to address the looming global warming catastrophe. As most rich nations have largely abdicated responsibility, developing countries need to think and act innovatively and cooperatively to better advance the South.

Why are some Pacific lagoon corals resistant to climate change?
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Why are some Pacific lagoon corals resistant to climate change?

While there is no question that climate change is affecting coral, the level and type of impact is not uniform.

climate war impacts
Photo by Lesly Derksen on Unsplash

At the UN, climate change & security must be tackled together

Could the next wars be triggered by climate change? Until recently, the question might have seemed like science fiction, but now it is very real.

africa climate environment coronavirus

Building back greener in Africa

Left unchecked, climate change, environmental destruction, rising sea levels, droughts, floods and other environmental risks could trigger mass migration, increase conflict and disrupt, if not reverse, a decade of economic growth in Africa.