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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
climate change threatens arctic cemeteries

When climate change threatens cemeteries, how do communities cope?

How do you protect the dead when graveyards are at risk in a changing Arctic? Northern Canada's communities are confronting a sensitive question.
Tuvalu ponders digital legacy

What if your country disappeared? Nation mulls digital existence as sea waters rise

If a country is swallowed up by the sea, does it cease to exist? Leaders are getting creative in how they try to preserve their nations if they become uninhabitable. Tuvalu is turning to the metaverse to try and preserve the pieces of the country that are the most important, before time runs out. 
Tangier Island’s imminent climate change demise

Study: Tangier Island’s imminent climate change demise ‘should alarm us all’

Rising seas are engulfing Tangier Island so quickly that most of its remaining residents may be forced to flee the low-lying Chesapeake Bay community during the next decade, according to a bleak new assessment published Nov. 8 in Frontiers of Climate.

As sea engulfs coastline, Indonesians pay high price to shield homes

As sea engulfs coastline, Indonesians pay high price to shield homes

The government has scrambled to work with environmental groups to replant mangroves, build dykes and relocate threatened villages.

Retreat? Pish. Democrats dare not speak climate change's ‘R’ word

Retreat? Pish. Democrats dare not speak climate change's ‘R’ word

Canadians call the abandonment of coasts and floodplains a “strategic retreat.” American politicians call it literally anything else they can.
Meet a village grappling with climate change

Meet a village grappling with climate change

A small Arctic village is on the front line of climate change. The biggest problem? It's too expensive to move away.