intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc

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Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Bill McKibben: Climate change is the legacy of people over the age of 60. That’s why we must protest

I’m proud to be part of Third Act, a climate activist organization for people over the age of 60.

simon lewis justice ipcc climate

Simon Lewis: The IPCC’s climate report has drawn the battle lines for Cop28: oil profits or a livable future

A pact to phase out fossil fuels in November’s UN climate talks is the only credible response to the warnings of scientists.

ipcc report climate

Humanity at the climate crossroads: Highway to hell or a livable future?

After a 10,000-year journey, human civilisation has reached a climate crossroads: what we do in the next few years will determine our fate for millennia.

samoa climate water

Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration

The world must step back from the brink of climate disaster to save the people of the Pacific from obliteration, the prime minister of Samoa has urged.

We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist

We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist

Katharine Hayhoe says the world is heading for dangers people have not seen in 10,000 years of civilisation.

simon lewis climate opinion

Simon Lewis: Scientists have just told us how to solve the climate crisis – will the world listen?

A path still exists to halve emissions by 2030 and get to net zero by 2050, which will probably meet the 1.5C goal. It is a hopeful message. The task now is to make it real.

fossil fuels climate solutions
Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

Scientists urge end to fossil fuel use as landmark IPCC report readied

The world must abandon fossil fuels as a matter of urgency, rather than entrusting the future climate to untried “techno-fixes” such as sucking carbon out of the air, scientists and campaigners have urged, as governments wrangled over last-minute changes to a landmark scientific report.