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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
Europe’s energy crisis shuts factories
Eli Duke/Flickr

Europe’s energy crisis forces factories to go dark

Manufacturers are furloughing workers and shutting down lines because they can’t pay the gas and electric charges.
abandoned fracking wells Pennsylvania

As Pa. faces ‘looming crisis’ of new abandoned wells, state law will freeze well bonding rates for a decade

Gov. Wolf will allow the bill to become law without his signature as part of a budget deal. 
‘A limbo situation’: B.C. landowners owed more than half a million dollars after oil and gas company goes bankrupt

‘A limbo situation’: B.C. landowners owed more than half a million dollars after oil and gas company goes bankrupt

Three dozen landowners in the Peace region are left with orphan oil and gas wells on their properties from bankrupt Calgary-based Ranch Energy.

Alberta loans industry-funded association $100 million to ‘increase the pace’ of orphan well cleanup

Alberta loans industry-funded association $100 million to ‘increase the pace’ of orphan well cleanup

As oil and gas companies are increasingly unable or unwilling to properly close down and clean up well sites, the province is stepping in with additional money.

‘A massive liability’: B.C.’s orphan fracking wells set to double this year

‘A massive liability’: B.C.’s orphan fracking wells set to double this year

As the tally grows, the province is left with contaminated sites, a leaking wastewater pond and an escalating cleanup bill estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.

B.C. left holding massive bill for hundreds of orphan gas wells as frack companies go belly-up

B.C. left holding massive bill for hundreds of orphan gas wells as frack companies go belly-up

On the cusp of a major fracking boom, B.C.'s Oil and Gas Commission is already struggling to keep up with the ballooning cost of cleaning up inactive and, at times, contaminated sites that have grown by 48 per cent in the last two years.