Kevin Krejc/Flickr Indonesian program pays fishers to collect plastic trash at sea The Indonesian fisheries ministry has launched a four-week program to pay fishers to collect plastic trash from the sea.
Causes Indonesia, a top plastic polluter, mobilizes 20,000 citizens to clean up the mess Indonesia is the world's second-largest plastic polluter, with 10 billion plastic bags in the country alone dumped into the environment each year.
Impacts On an island of plenty, a community tempered by waves braces for rising seas The tsunami of February, 1996 delivered a valuable lesson to the people of Auki: that they needed to better protect the natural resources, in the sea and on the coast, that were so central to their lives.
Impacts Indonesians race to save their disappearing lakes, before it's too late Seventeen lakes in the Southeast Asian nation are in "critical" condition.