indigenous food sovereignty

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A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
Wind turbines viewed from above with squres of green and fallow fields below.
What seed-saving can teach us about the end of the world

What seed-saving can teach us about the end of the world

Interest in the ancient practice spiked during the pandemic. But as climate change bears down, why we save seeds may matter as much as the act of saving them.

The revival of Indigenous subsistence whaling hangs in the balance

The revival of Indigenous subsistence whaling hangs in the balance

Despite historic restrictions, bans, and protests, the Makah people in Washington may soon get to lead their first hunt in nearly 25 years.
Promise or peril? Importing hydropower to fuel the clean energy transition

Promise or peril? Importing hydropower to fuel the clean energy transition

U.S. states hope to tap Canada’s network of large dams to meet low-carbon goals, but do better options exist closer to home?
Indigenous leadership boosts Skeena sockeye

Skeena sockeye returns jump 50 per cent in three years thanks to Indigenous leadership

B.C. First Nations voluntarily closed their food fishery or limited the catch for two decades to help rebuild salmon populations. This year, those sacrifices are paying off
12 Native-owned food businesses to support on Indigenous Peoples' Day

12 Native-owned food businesses to support on Indigenous Peoples' Day

Ways to honor the original stewards of this country, through reverence, respect, and remuneration.
Indigenous food security & racism

Turning food into a weapon in the battle against colonialism

Meet the people working to make Indigenous food security a key element in combating racism.
Praying for rain

Praying for rain

The Zuni tribe's homeland is one of the most parched sections of the country. The tribe has already declared three drought emergencies in the last 15 years. Will it survive the next one?