human population growth

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A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
Wind turbines viewed from above with squres of green and fallow fields below.
BirthStrike: Refusing to have kids, because of climate change

BirthStrike: Refusing to have kids, because of climate change

A growing group of people is refusing to have children, because they fear the impact of climate change.
Local inaction threatens China’s snow leopards, report says

Local inaction threatens China’s snow leopards, report says

"Human population growth and grassland degradation are likely to push some species to the edge of extinction."

Eric Rimmer: The population crisis – a call to arms

Eric Rimmer: The population crisis – a call to arms

To reverse human population growth -and to plan for the consequences of not doing so- requires the basic facts of our plight be understandable and credible.