Newsletter Humans have altered North America’s ecosystems more than melting glaciers Recent human activity, including agriculture, has had a greater impact on North America's plants and animals than even the glaciers that retreated more than 10,000 years ago.
Newsletter Study tries to bring human behaviour into climate change projections Research using computer models suggests that public attitudes and social learning can have a measurable impact on global warming.
Newsletter Human behavior might be the hardest part of climate change to predict We know humans are the cause of climate change. But we still don't know how humans will respond to it.
Solutions The best way to reduce your personal carbon emissions: Don't be rich Some lifestyle choices matter more than others.
More ink, less water: News coverage of the drought prompted Californians to conserve, study suggests Each doubling of drought-related newspaper articles in a two-month period was associated with up to an 18% reduction in water use.