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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
existential crisis test climate coronavirus

America has failed the existential-crisis test

What the country's response to the coronavirus pandemic means for the global fight against climate change.
The coming ecosystem collapse is already here for coral

The coming ecosystem collapse is already here for coral

Conservationists are waging an expensive fight of diminishing returns to save reefs and those who depend on them.
Why climate denial survives while Australia burns

Why climate denial survives while Australia burns

Australian conservative politicians and media outlets have been in prime misdirection mode in the past few months.
Climate change’s great lithium problem

Climate change’s great lithium problem

The crisis in Bolivia has an urgent message for environmental policy in the United States.
The misogyny of climate deniers

The misogyny of climate deniers

Why do right-wing men hate Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so much? Researchers have some troubling answers to that question.
It’s not enough to stop Amazon deforestation

It’s not enough to stop Amazon deforestation

Aggressive reforestation will be required to stem climate change—and that includes the United States.
OPINION: Would Trump’s reelection doom the planet?

OPINION: Would Trump’s reelection doom the planet?

Jay Inslee says the next four years "is our last chance ... to do something about it." Is he right?