hog waste
Ecuador pig & poultry farm pollution sparks protest amid IDB, IFC loans
A new report reveals how, in 2021, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank) awarded multimillion-dollar loans to Pronaca, one of the largest companies in Ecuador, for it to expand its pig and poultry farms in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Brooke Anderson/Flickr
Key questions unanswered as Smithfield Foods unveils new plan to capture hog farm methane
Smithfield Foods asks for approval of proposal that would transport gas to Virginia, but declines to disclose key details.
The National Guard/Flickr
Researchers say get ready for more floods, contamination
Duke University environmental scientists urge communities to begin long-term planning for the increase in flooding and resulting pollution during extreme storms made worse by climate change.
United Soybean Board/Flickr
Iowa Supreme Court reverses itself, making it harder to sue hog confinements
The Iowa Supreme Court on Thursday made it more difficult for landowners to sue hog confinements, overturning a longstanding precedent.
'This plan is a lie': Biogas on hog farms could do more harm than good
Biogas promises less pollution, more jobs, and a renewable energy source. Residents and farmers disagree.
NC floodwaters carried pig, human waste after Florence
Hurricane Florence caused about 121 million gallons of untreated or partially treated sewage to spill in almost 600 incidents.
Environmentalists battle lawmakers, pork industry on biogas
Smithfield Foods and Dominion Energy are eager to turn hog waste into "biogas," but activists are trying to block the NC Farm Act.