hexavalent chromium

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Huron River hexavalent chromium
exavalent chromium/Flickr

Huron River testing does not detect hexavalent chromium after spill

No-contact recommendation remains in effect as continued testing takes place along the river and within the Wixom wastewater treatment facility.
Who should pay to fix California’s sunken canals?

Who should pay to fix California’s sunken canals?

Agribusiness and its proponents say repairs will benefit disadvantaged towns. Those residents disagree.
The coal plant next door

The coal plant next door

Near America’s largest coal-fired power plant, toxins are showing up in drinking water and people have fallen ill. Thousands of pages of internal documents show how one giant energy company plans to avoid the cleanup costs.
A power company's quiet land-buying spree could shield it from coal ash cleanup costs

A power company's quiet land-buying spree could shield it from coal ash cleanup costs

Georgia Power paid top dollar to buy land from residents living near waste sites at its power plants. Environmentalists fear it’s a tactic to forestall the cleanup bill from new regulations for coal ash.
coal ash poisoning Central Georgia drinking water

Georgia Power lawsuit says Plant Scherer coal ash is ‘poisoning’ locals

45 residents living near America's largest coal-fired plant claim Georgia Power contaminated their community's drinking water source.

People get answers to what's in their water as clock ticks on coal ash bills

People get answers to what's in their water as clock ticks on coal ash bills

People all around the town of Juliette are beginning to get answers about what harmful substances might be in their drinking water.

Coal ash concerns continue in Juliette, Georgia

Coal ash concerns continue in Juliette, Georgia

Residents of Juliette are keeping up the fight to make sure coal ash in their community is stored in lined pits that would prevent if from coming in contact with groundwater.