heavy metals

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
space race stratospheric pollution
Credit: Kesu01/BigStock Photo ID: 315632281

The new space race is causing new pollution problems

Earth’s stratosphere has never seen the amounts of emissions and waste from rockets and satellites that a booming space economy will leave behind.
coal ash pollution widespread

Elevated levels of metals found in creek near Virginia coal ash pit

The effect of coal ash on the environment has been studied and debated for more than seven years now in Virginia. Utilities have spent those years looking for long-term disposal.

EPA approves permit for controversial fracking disposal well in Pennsylvania

EPA approves permit for controversial fracking disposal well in Pennsylvania

The well, in Plum Borough near Pittsburgh, is a repurposed conventional well, which locals fear is at higher risk for leaks and material failures that could contaminate local drinking water.

Antarctic research stations pollution

Antarctic research stations polluted a pristine wilderness

Historical bad practices have left a legacy of pollution in the fragile ecosystem of Antarctica, but efforts are underway to chart a better future.

deep-sea mining ocean pollution

Leaked video footage of ocean pollution shines light on deep-sea mining

Company rebuts claims by scientists that ‘uncontrolled and unscientific’ practices highlight dangers of going ahead with seabed mining.