heat wave heat dome

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Heat will likely soar to record levels in next 5 years, WMO says
Photo by Ivan Lopatin on Unsplash

Heat will likely soar to record levels in next 5 years, WMO says

The World Meteorological Organization forecast “far-reaching repercussions for health, food security, water management and the environment.”
backup power need vs affordability
BigStock Photo ID: 436149815
Copyright: petovarga

Backup power: A growing need, if you can afford it

Extreme weather linked to climate change is causing more blackouts. But generators and batteries are still out of reach for many.
Climate change influenced East African drought
DFID - UK Department for/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Climate change made East African drought more likely, study finds

Droughts like the one that has ravaged Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are now 100 times as likely as in the preindustrial era, a new study has found.
climate heat impacts
Image by Lukas_Rychvalsky from Pixabay

Here are the places most at risk from record-shattering heat

It’s the regions of the world that haven’t yet experienced an off-the-charts heat wave that we should worry about, a new scientific study argues.
americans seeking safer climates

In Duluth, real estate collides with climate

More Americans are uprooting their lives for safer climates. That sent one Times real estate reporter to the Upper Midwest.
Extreme rain and drought is happening more often

Extreme rain and drought is happening more often, new research shows

Using 20 years of satellite observations, researchers identified periods of extreme wetness and dryness, and found they were becoming larger, more frequent and more severe.
climate impacts cotton farming

How climate change is making tampons (and lots of other stuff) more expensive

Cotton farmers in Texas suffered record losses amid heat and drought last year, new data shows. It’s an example of how global warming is a “secret driver of inflation.”