health disparities
Library of Congress Life/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowedPhoto by Kimberly Powell/For the Library of Congress
Q&A: Linda Villarosa took on the perils of medical racism. She found Black Americans ‘live sicker and die quicker’
In her book “Under the Skin,” the veteran journalist offers a cradle-to-grave examination of how bias negatively affects health care for people of color—and why climate change will exacerbate health disparities further.
Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash
Jeff Speck: Urban planner revisits ‘Walkable City,’ 10 years later
In an excerpt from the book’s new 10th anniversary edition, author and urban planner Jeff Speck looks at how the streets of US cities have changed.
Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash
Toxic pollutants a growing concern for pregnant mothers and babies
Links between environmental exposures and maternal health outcomes remain underexplored, despite recent efforts to catch up.
Atomic Taco/ Flickr
Redlining's enduring impact shows up in WA pollution disparity
New research out of UW suggests historic, racist lending practices still affect inequitable exposure to hazardous pollution today.
Tribal nations seen facing increasing U.S. air pollution burden
A new study puts data to anecdotal concerns that Native Americans have borne an increasing pollution burden.
Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, Eugenia C. South: Don’t mock ‘tree equity.’ It has health benefits
Trees improve mental and physical health and make neighborhoods safer. Investing in them isn't frivolous — it's an important part of infrastructure.
The environmental justice issues around access to urban nature
Compared to affluent white communities, lower-income communities and communities of color are missing out on the advantages urban greenery provides. What does it take to level the playing field?