Politics www.axios.com Booming oil and lower emissions: The decade that blew up energy predictions Projections failed to predict the profound changes in the energy industry.
Opinion www.axios.com Amy Harder: Why climate change is so hard to tackle – Our stubborn energy system Our dependence on fossil fuels has remained about the same for 30 years.
Newsletter www.axios.com The new social movement calling for action on climate change Young people, worried about an increasingly unstable world, are leading.
Politics www.axios.com As climate change worry grows, corporate America is starting to lobby Congress for big policy. Corporate America is calling on Congress to pass big climate policy in the most aggressive and united way since 2009.
Solutions www.axios.com As climate change worry grows, corporate America is starting to lobby Congress for big policy The lobbying moves are the most aggressive since 2009.
Newsletter www.axios.com Inside John Kerry’s shadow diplomacy on climate change The former secretary of state and war hero has a long history with Vietnam.
Impacts www.axios.com The anatomy of climate-change policy: a primer Everything old is new policy in Washington again.