groundwater contamination

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coal ash contamination
Credit: Waterkeeper Alliance Inc./Flickr

Illinois faces challenges in addressing coal ash contamination

Despite Illinois passing a law five years ago to manage coal ash contamination, progress has stalled, leaving environmental advocates concerned.

Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco reports for Grist.

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toxic fracking wastewater management
Credit: WildEarth Guardians/Flickr

Lawmaker looks to rein in oil and gas exceptions

Three proposals would remove drilling near schools, seek more data on industry water use and enforce fines for spills.

Texas fracking wastewater spills
Credit: Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance/Flickr

Texas grapples with environmental fallout from frequent oil and gas wastewater spills

Produced water spills in Texas are causing significant environmental damage, but in a fossil-fuel friendly state known for lax environmental regulations, remedies are few.

Martha Pskowski reports for Inside Climate News.

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Chemours GenX production
BigStock Photo ID: 446368907
Copyright: JStuij

EPA okays Chemours request to export GenX from the Netherlands to Fayetteville Works plant

Chemours Fayetteville Works plant okayed to import up to 4 million pounds of the toxic chemical GenX from the company’s Netherlands facility.

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Halliburton loophole’ allows fracking companies to avoid chemical regulation

‘Halliburton loophole’ allows fracking companies to avoid chemical regulation

New research finds fracking-industry exemption for 28 chemicals otherwise regulated by federal law.

Federal crackdown on coal ash waste
Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

Federal crackdown on coal ash waste in the works as Southern Co. resists tougher environmental regs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials are seeking public input on a proposal to close a regulatory loophole that conservationists claim utilities are exploiting to avoid cleaning up toxic coal ash from retired power plants. Stanley Dunlap covers the story for the Georgia Recorder.
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Federal crackdown on coal ash waste
Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

Federal crackdown on coal ash waste in the works as Southern Co. resists tougher environmental regs

EPA proposes rule forcing Georgia Power, utilities comply with 2015 federal environmental regulation on toxic coal ash ponds, landfill dumps.