greta thunberg climate activist

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Why Greta Thunberg makes adults uncomfortable

Why Greta Thunberg makes adults uncomfortable

Especially in private, she sounds a lot like … a teenager.
Greta Thunberg’s slow boat to New York

Greta Thunberg’s slow boat to New York

A crowd of young eco-warriors and international media greeted the teen-age climate activist as she sailed into town on a carbon-neutral boat to attend a summit at the U.N.
Greta Thunberg ups climate pressure ahead of UN summit: ‘This has to be a tipping point’

Greta Thunberg ups climate pressure ahead of UN summit: ‘This has to be a tipping point’

“They cannot continue to ignore this,” the climate activist says of world leaders. 
Greta Thunberg, climate activist, arrives in N.Y. with a message for Trump

Greta Thunberg, climate activist, arrives in N.Y. with a message for Trump

The Swedish 16-year-old sailed across the Atlantic on an emissions-free yacht to speak at the U.N. Climate Action Summit next month.
Anti-fracking activists hail resignation of shale gas tsar

Anti-fracking activists hail resignation of shale gas tsar

Natascha Engel accused ministers of being too heavily influenced by climate change campaigners such as the Swedish 16-year-old Greta Thunberg and anti-fracking protesters.

Stewart Lee: Why Greta Thunberg is now my go-to girl

Stewart Lee: Why Greta Thunberg is now my go-to girl

My reverie about cold war certainties was shattered by the Scandi teenager's crusading zeal.