PoliticsAutomotive Rhythms/Flickr Fighting climate change was costly. Now it’s profitable. Just how far can this climate momentum take us?
Good Newscommons.wikimedia.org Fighting climate change was costly. Now it’s profitable It is a good time to be in the decarbonization business in the United States.
Top StoryGage Skidmore/Flickr A Republican Congress is coming for Biden's climate wins If the looming GOP majority sabotages climate policy, its own voters will suffer. The party might do it anyway.
Politics thehill.com Treasury creates hub to fight climate change through finance The Treasury Department has announced its plans to fight climate change through fiscal policy and create a new office to chart an economically beneficial path away from fossil fuel energy.
Politics www.washingtonpost.com Pennsylvania petrochemical plant reveals Democratic Party divide ahead of 2020 presidential election Democratic leaders in Pennsylvania are split over whether fossil fuel jobs or environmental awareness hold the keys to the state’s future.