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Canberra at dusk with view of parliament house lit up on a hill.
A young Black man in blue sweater using silver macbook in front of a data server.
Green backhoe digging hole in the middle of a massive pile of black coal.
Wind turbines viewed from above with squres of green and fallow fields below.
Norfolk sea level rise reduces stormwater capacity

In Norfolk, sea level rise reduces some stormwater system capacity by 50%, data shows

The solutions — pump stations, backflow preventers or expanding pipes — could carry a hefty price tag.
climate impacts tides water

Virginia Beach approves sea level rise plan, will require developers to take more flooding into account

The Virginia Beach City Council has taken steps to prepare for higher tides in the coming decades, passing a sea level rise plan that provides a sweeping vision for how to safeguard this coastal community and voting to require developers to account for more flooding.

climate impacts sea level rise emissions

As Virginia Beach prepares for sea level rise, officials avoid climate change and punt on carbon emissions

In all of their recent preparations for sea level rise, city staff have steered clear of what most experts say is causing the tides to creep higher and higher. By design, they rarely, if ever, utter the words “climate change" - and they specifically avoid attributing any such change directly to humans.