good news

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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
renewable energy transition
Credit: MIRO3D/BigStock Photo

Reimagining energy: The rise of free solar power

A solar revolution is underway, with experts predicting that by 2030, solar power could be effectively free during daylight hours in many regions.

David Wallace-Wells writes for The New York Times.

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kamala harris climate action

Harris could redefine climate leadership in 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris' entry into the presidential race has ignited hope among environmentalists that her administration could push climate action further than President Biden’s, particularly by holding Big Oil accountable and addressing historic injustices.

Marianne Lavelle reports for Inside Climate News.

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CAFO industrial farming regulations
Credit: Friends of Family Farmers/Flickr

A Michigan court ruling may reshape how animal waste is regulated

A recent Michigan Supreme Court decision could drastically change how the state — and possibly others — regulates pollution from industrial animal farms.

Keith Schneider reports for Circle of Blue and The New Lede.

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Sweden climate & energy policy
Credit: Timmy_L/Flickr

Sweden shows how to slash emissions while boosting the economy

Sweden has managed to cut 80% of its emissions since 1990 while doubling its economy, proving that economic growth and climate protection can go hand in hand.

Anne-Sophie Brändlin reports for DW.

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puffin climate change
Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson

Care for endangered seabirds continues amid a 51-year legacy of optimism

“There is this idea of healing the Earth ... perhaps there’s something about this project that captured that."

Steve Kress’s smile lit up the dusk as research assistants at least 50 years younger than him regaled him with tales of their vigilance to save tern chicks on Stratton Island, Maine.

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food rescue apps
Credit: Focal Foto/Flickr

How to save money and fight food waste

A new generation of apps is rescuing perfectly good food from landfills, making it available at a fraction of the retail price at restaurants and grocery stores.

Michael J. Coren reports for The Washington Post.

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Top Story
2024 presidential election Tim Walz
Credit: Lorie Shaull/Flickr

Harris taps Minnesota Governor Walz as her vice-presidential pick

Vice President Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, highlighting his strong climate change record and appeal to working-class voters.

Kristoffer Tigue reports for Inside Climate News.

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