
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
Exploring the potential of genetically engineered crops in agriculture and the environment

Exploring the potential of genetically engineered crops in agriculture and the environment

Researchers argue that genetically engineered crops could significantly reduce carbon emissions, despite widespread skepticism and regulatory challenges.

Shannon Osaka reports for The Washington Post.

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plastic-degrading microbe emerging tech

NC State researchers engineer 'promising' plastic-degrading microbe to help polluted oceans

North Carolina State University researchers have genetically modified bacteria to break down ocean-polluting plastics commonly used in water bottles and clothing.
gmo farming food climate

Super crops are coming: Is Europe ready for a new generation of gene-edited plants?

The European Commission’s proposal to legalize lab-tweaked crops pits Big Agri against environmental campaigners and small farmers.
Genetically modified mosquitoes
jentavery/ Flickr

Genetically modified mosquitoes may protect the world from disease

Modified mosquitoes could breed themselves out of existence, eliminating dengue, Zika and yellow fever.
insect farming needs science to build a better bug

For insect farming to work, scientists need to build a better bug

Faster-growing, fatter critters could provide the protein needed to raise more climate-friendly livestock and pets.
Top Story
What’s on the Thanksgiving table in a hotter, drier world?

What’s on the Thanksgiving table in a hotter, drier world?

Wild boar. Kelp salad. Crickets in your pie crust. These are just a few things that may end up on Thanksgiving menus as climate change takes its toll on the planet.
lab-grown meat

Sarah Garland, Jan Dutkiewicz: What should we call lab meat? (Probably not “lab meat.”)

It’s real meat, biologically speaking, not a plant-based imitation. But it didn’t come from a living, breathing animal. The words used to brand it could make all the difference—just ask GMO producers.