global ecosystem

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
microplastics & global plastic pollution
Credit: Felton Davis/Flickr

Planet versus plastics: the global battle for a cleaner future

Microplastics are pervasive, from Mount Everest to the Marianas Trench, affecting our air, water and health. How should the world respond to the ever-growing impacts of plastic pollution?

Erika Page reports for The Christian Science Monitor.

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AMOC ocean circulation collapse
Credit: Rover_Thor/Flickr

Climate simulation raises alarm over potential ocean circulation collapse

A recent study by René van Westen showcases how melting Arctic freshwater could disrupt the Atlantic Ocean's circulation, potentially leading to abrupt climate changes.

Sarah Kaplan reports for The Washington Post.

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'Rewilding' game rebuilding a destroyed ecosystem
Heavy Meadow Studio

'Rewilding' asks: What will you do after the climate apocalypse?

The upcoming indie game puts you in charge of rebuilding a destroyed ecosystem—not as a hero, but as a gig worker for a profit-hungry corporation.