global development

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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
plastic waste toxics pollution flooding
Image by PranongCreative from Pixabay

Plastic waste puts millions of world’s poorest at higher risk from floods

More than 200 million face more intense and frequent floods due to plastic pollution blocking drainage systems, report finds.

fishing in African waters
Photo by Seyiram Kweku on Unsplash

Impact of warmer seas on fish stocks leads to rise in pirate attacks

Dwindling fish stocks caused by the climate crisis are leading to an increase in pirate attacks, according to a new study looking at two piracy hotspots over the past two decades.

warmer seas leads to rise in pirate attacks

Impact of warmer seas on fish stocks leads to rise in pirate attacks

Study of piracy hotspots in east Africa and South China Sea found that piracy increases when fish populations decline and vice versa.

bangladesh flooding plinth communities
Image by Maruf Rahman from Pixabay

‘Peace of mind at last’: the Bangladeshi villagers digging their way out of the floods

‘Plinth’ settlements built on raised ground above the country’s flooding rivers are providing permanent homes and emergency refuges.

global food insecurity increasing
EU Civil Protection and H/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

More than 250m people faced acute food insecurity in 2022, UN report says

It's the fourth year in a row in which the number of people facing food crises increased substantially.

eco-activist Vandana Shiva
Secretaría de Cultura de l/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowedFotografía: Maritza Ríos / Secretaría de Cultura CDMX

Fighting giants: eco-activist Vandana Shiva on her battle against GM multinationals

The formidable Indian environmentalist discusses her 50-year struggle to protect seeds and farmers from the ‘poison cartel’ of corporate agriculture.

kenya drought climate water food

‘From bad to worse’: Drought puts Kenya’s hospitals under pressure

The number of people in Kenya facing severe hunger is expected to rise to 5.4 million this year, particularly in the north of the country, where about 95% of surface water sources have dried up.