geotechnical issues

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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
First Nation wants Site C dam safety documents

First Nation asks court to order release of Site C dam safety documents

Site C construction continues at an estimated cost of $3 million a day amid growing concerns about the stability of the dam and secrecy from BC Hydro and the B.C. government.

Site C dam in serious trouble

Site C dam was in serious trouble over a year ago: FOI docs

Stability of the dam found to be a “significant risk" in May 2019, more than a year before information about deepening geotechnical problems and escalating costs were shared with the public.

Site C dam stability issues

When did BC Hydro really know about Site C dam stability issues? Utilities watchdog wants to know

The B.C. Utilities Commission — the body responsible for approving increases to hydro rates necessary to pay for Site C — is seeking details about the project's deepening geotechnical problems and worsening finances.

B.C. election & climate and environment policies

B.C. election: what Horgan’s NDP majority government means for climate and the environment

The B.C. NDP victory comes amid lingering questions about the fate of the Site C dam and whether the province will be able to meet its climate targets.

Site C dam public safety threat

It’s Horgan’s folly. But we’ll all pay

The Site C dam already faced big delays and cost overruns. Now we should be worried about threats to public safety.