generation z

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digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
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Can fashion be profitable without growth?

Industry leaders said the goal of sustainability wouldn’t happen without changes to the business model and more efforts to educate consumers.
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Gen Z's voting habits are all the proof companies need to act on societal issues

With the consistently high turnout rates for Gen Z voters over the past few elections, it’s time to put to bed the outdated stereotype of a disaffected, disengaged younger generation.

Climate bill heads to Biden's desk. There is more to be done

Climate bill heads to Biden's desk. There is more to be done

The bill will cut U.S. emissions, but not nearly enough. It’s “like losing 20 pounds when you need to lose 100 pounds” one expert said.
gen z environment trust

Gen Z and environmental issues: How to earn young consumers’ trust

Nowadays, some of the most discussed and relevant topics among Generation Z appear to be sustainability and environmental issues.
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For Gen Z, climate change is a heavy emotional burden

For Gen Z, climate change is a heavy emotional burden

A leading researcher on the mental health impact of climate change talks about the rise of climate anxiety in young people, how social media exacerbates this trend, and why distress about the climate crisis can spur positive change.

gen z life decisions climate
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash

Survey: Climate, environment shape Generation Z life decisions

Eight out of 10 teenagers expect climate change and other environmental forces to affect big decisions like where they live and whether to have children, according to a new survey.

Follow the global youth protests this week

Follow the global youth protests this week

Demonstrations are planned for Friday, so we looked at what drives the movement. Here are four takeaways.