gas drilling

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gulf coast’s lng boom
Company’s attempt to improve African communities with cookstoves fails to meet promises
Jasper school officials push for better climate emergency planning
Harris revises stance on fracking, raising energy policy concerns
produced fracking water hazardous waste

New Pennsylvania legislation aims to classify ‘produced water’ from fracking as hazardous waste

The bills would also require gas drillers to test the toxicity of the wastewater, mine tailings and runoff from landfills. Waste from fracking in the state contains radioactive radium isotopes.

fracking rig shale gas pennsylvania trees

Pennsylvania lets polluter resume drilling in protected zone, outraging residents in fracking's 'ground zero'

Order was quietly signed on the same day that residents celebrated the energy company’s plea deal on charges of environmental crimes.
Group says tighter radiation controls of drilling waste needed

Group says tighter radiation controls of drilling waste needed

The patchwork of radiation protection laws for oil and gas waste in the U.S. is “inconsistent,” said an official with the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, which provides expertise on radiation protection for a number of different industries.
Millions in state forest gas lease spending ruled unconstitutional by Pa. Supreme Court

Millions in state forest gas lease spending ruled unconstitutional by Pa. Supreme Court

The state is not expected to have to pay back the $383 million that was transferred from a restricted conservation fund to balance budgets.
Pennsylvania: Governor asked to intervene on Plum wastewater injection well

Pennsylvania: Governor asked to intervene on Plum wastewater injection well

Groups have concerns about radioactivity in shale gas drilling wastewater leading to contamination drinking water supply in Pittsburgh.

After push from gas drillers, Fed to expand Main Street loans to bigger businesses

After push from gas drillers, Fed to expand Main Street loans to bigger businesses

The Federal Reserve is readying its $600 billion Main Street Lending Program after making changes last week to expand the scope of the new program by increasing the amount of eligible businesses and lowering the minimum loan size.