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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.

Trump’s global resorts put profit first, environment last, critics say.

Mongabay looked into Trump’s claims that he is an environmentalist, winning “many, many environmental awards.” We were able to locate just two — one a local New York award, and another granted by a golf business association.

Donald Trump’s negative environmental record in Scotland and elsewhere has conservationists concerned in Bali, where Trump firms are developing a major resort and golf facility known as Trump International Hotel & Tower Bali.

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Debunking climate change deniers' claims about plants.

Some climate deniers claim carbon dioxide is good for plants, and plants are good for people, so we should aim to pump even more CO2 into the atmosphere than we already are.

Bigger isn’t always better. Too much of a good thing can be bad.

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After the flood, the monster that grows like ‘the Blob’ — and doesn’t die.

All mold needs is moisture, oxygen, a surface to grow on and a food source.

The Texas towns and cities inundated by Hurricane Harvey's torrential downpours are finally drying out, but the storm left a menace behind: mold.

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Industrial meat production is killing our seas. It's time to change our diets.

America’s addiction to cheap meat, fed on corn and soy in vast indoor factories, comes at a high cost to our own health and that of the planet.

Every spring, as the snows thaw, water rushes down the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, spreading life, then death into the Gulf of Mexico. The floodwaters are laden with fertilisers washed from fields and factory farms. As spring turns to summer, excessive nutrients first drive a huge bloom of living plankton, then cause death on a gargantuan scale as a dead zone blossoms across the seabed. Most years it grows swiftly to over 5,000 square miles of seabed, killing everything that cannot outrun it.

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Bye bye banana? Hopefully not in Vietnam.

In late 2015, scientific publications and mainstream media sources reported alarming news for the 400 million people in the world who depend on bananas for their basic sustenance, as well as the hundreds of millions of others who love the mushy texture and sweet taste of this tropical fruit.

Bye bye banana? Hopefully not in Vietnam

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Earthworm numbers dwindle, threatening soil health.

Earthworms help recuperate soil and enrich it with much needed minerals. But environmentalists are concerned as earthworms have come under threat from intensive use of manure and acidic soil.

Earthworms, it seems, are the unsung heroes of our world. Labeled slimy and disgusting by many, these lowly invertebrates work unseen and underground where they till, fertilize and improve soil.

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VIDEO: Battle over $600M wind power superhighway heads to Illinois Supreme Court.

In the works for more than five years, backers say the project is unusual because it would be paid for by private investors, not ratepayers.

Rock Island Clean Line envisions building an electric project that would transmit wind energy to Grundy County in Illinois from planned turbines in Iowa.

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